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Introduction to Environmental Engineering

3 Credits | 200 Level | 38 Contact hours


Required Primary Text for Course

Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Design, 2nd. Ed., by Bradley A. Striebig, Maria Papadakis,
Lauren G. Heine, Adebayo A. Ogundipe (2022). United States, Cengage Learning.


As we have raised our standard of living, by providing products, food, transportation, and places to live, play and learn, we have also created pollution that can damage our human health, ecosystems, and the climate. Environmental engineers work on the interface between society and the environment, seeking to answer questions like “How do you harness technology to curb climate change and adapt to its impacts?”, “How do we clean-up toxic waste sites?”, and “How do we ensure everyone has access to clean drinking water?”. These are daunting challenges for which we critically need you to help create a safe, sustainable future.

In this course, you will combine your knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, and environmental systems to begin exploring how to answer questions such as these. By working through problem sets, you will explore sources and impacts of pollution in our waters, land, and soil, and you will learn to estimate the resulting pollutant concentrations. You will be able to describe approaches for reduction, treatment, and remediation of pollutants. And you will acquire an understanding of how environmental regulations and environmental engineering affect society through studying current events and case studies. You will experience all these learning opportunities with the support of the instructors, the teaching assistant, and your fellow students. If you can only take one course in environmental engineering, this course will give you a broad and sturdy foundation, but we hope that you'll be inspired for more in-depth study and maybe even practice in environmental engineering!


1 Presentation. Introduction. What is environmental engineering?
2 Interpreting Env. Concentrations & Standards
Environmental Chemistry
3 Environmental Chemistry
4 - 5 Mass Balances
6 Organic Chemistry/ Chlorinated Organics Nomenclature*
7 Agricultural Pollution
8 Microbiology
9 Midterm Exam 1
10 Oxygen Demand
11 Water Treatment
12 Dissolved Oxygen Modeling
13 - 15 Wastewater Treatment
16 Emerging water and wastewater techniques & wastewater infrastructure failures
17 - 18 Air Quality and Air Quality Control & Modeling
19 Midterm Exam 2
20 Climate Change
21 Solid Waste Management
22 - 25 Hazardous Waste Management & Remediation


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Apply environmental chemistry to water quality, air pollution, soil contamination, and treatment
systems, and use your understanding of chemistry to interpret environmental regulations and
environmental toxicology.
• Describe environmental pollution and solve transport, treatment, and management problems in
water, air, and waste systems.
• Appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of environmental engineering and its responsibility to
society and the environment.
• Think critically about how the field of environmental engineering affects different populations.
• Effectively and respectfully brainstorm and collaborate on environmental engineering problems.


Class participation and attendance 4%
Homework 30%
Quizzes 15%
Current event activities 9%
Midterm exams 22%
Final exam 20%

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