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(MATH) Analytic Trigonometry

2 Credits | 100 Level | Contact hours


Textbook: PRECALCULUS Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, M. Sullivan and M. Sullivan III, Pearson 5TH Edition


This course covers trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs, analytic trigonometry: identities and conditional equations, applications of trigonometric functions or solution of triangles, trigonometric form of complex numbers and DeMoivre ́s theorem, finding nth complex roots, polar coordinates and an introduction to vector spaces.


Unit 1: Trigonometric Functions. Angles and Their Measure. Circle Approach. Properties of the Trigonometric Functions. Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant and Secant Functions . Phase Shift; Sinusoidal Curve Fitting.
Unit 2: Analytic Trigonometry. The Inverse Sine, Cosine and Tangent Functions. The inverse Trigonometric Functions.
Unit 3: Section .Trigonometric Identities. Sum and Difference Formulas.
Unit 4: Analytic Trigonometry. Double angle and Half angle formula. Product to sum and Sum to Product formulas. Trigonometric equations (I). Trigonometric Equations
Unit 5: Right Triangle Trigonometry; Applications. The Law of Sines . The Law of cosines.
Unit 6: Polar Coordinates and . Polar Equations and Graphs. The complex plane; De Moivre’s theorem, Vectors and Section . The dot product
Unit 7: Vectors in Space . The Cross Product.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: identify trigonometric functions using the unit circle, solve and establish equations where trigonometric functions are involved, solve triangles, change to polar coordinates and identify the graph of some functions in polar coordinates, and operate with complex numbers in polar and rectangular form. Identify the dot and the cross product of vectors.


Final Grade = 10% class performance + 15% homework + 25% Projects + 20% Midterm Exams + 30% Final Exam

Attending class is MANDATORY in this course

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