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(ENG) Spanish Culture and Civilization

3 Credits | 200 Level | 45 Contact hours


Hooper, J. The New Spaniards, Penguin Books, 2nd ed., 2006. ISBN: 978-0141016092


This course will develop student understanding of topics related to contemporary Spanish culture and civilization. Students will build a solid knowledge base to effectively analyze life in Spain in the present, and the changes that have taken place in society related politics, religion, economy, and society.
This will be achieved throughout a constant interaction among teacher and students, who will actively take part in the class by researching and presenting information about the different topics that they choose.


• To identify highlights of Spanish geography, history and politics that have molded Spain into the country that it is today.
• To learn about the features, peculiarities, traditions and costumes of the Autonomous Communities in class presentations.
• To analyze and articulate ideas about Spanish society and culture in class discussions and written papers.
• To focus on current events that are relevant to Spain in class discussions.
• To study different key figures of Spain in class presentations.


1 Introduction to food, customs, timetables and Spanish celebrities
2 Spanish Geography and Gastronomy
3 Main celebrations and traditions
4 Spanish Music: Modern music since the 80s, trends, and evolution since the middle age to the present day
5 The main writers in Spanish literature throughout history and in our times.
6 Main artist throughout Spanish history in the different fields: painting, sculpture, etc...
7 19th Century
8 20th Century
9 Spanish Civil War
10 Dictatorship of Francisco Franco
11 The evolution from Hispania to Al-Andalus.
12 History: Al-Andalus: from the Muslim conquest to the Reconquest
13 History: The Spanish Empire: from the Spanish Empire to the arrival of Bourbon House
14 History: The Bourbons: from the Bourbons arrival to the 19th Century.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Identify, name, and place the geographical features of Spain.
• Assimilate Spanish mentality and customs
• Get to now well-known personalities from Spain, contemporary and historical
• Get acquainted with the Spanish music: not only the modern on since the end of the dictatorship but also an approach to its evolution since Alfonso X El Sabio.
• Identify the different celebrations and traditions around Spain, like Fallas in Valencia.
• Examine key moments and themes in the cultural history of late 19th and 20th century Spain.
• Learn about the Spanish history since Hispania in the Roman Empire to the 19th century in a dynamic way.


1. Reading and preparing the work for class.
2. Actively participating in class activities.
3. Reading Spanish newspapers or watching television news, preparing them to discuss them in class.
4. Preparing and writing two presentations will be done in pairs.
5. Preparing, writing and conducting a survey among Spanish university students about the society topics studied in class.
6. Preparing an individual portfolio with your own conclusions after you have done the survey
Attending class is MANDATORY in this course.


Class Attendance 10%
Homework 10%
Presentation (Region) 20%
Presentation (Person) 15%
Essay 20%
Exam 25%

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