11 Credits | 100 Level | 138 Contact hours
Elementary Spanish I
CORPAS, J., GARCÍA, E. y GARMENDIA, A. (2022). Aula Internacional Plus 1. A1. Barcelona: Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-18032-18-9)
Elementary Spanish II
CORPAS, J., GARMENDIA, A. y SORIANO, C. (2022). Aula Internacional Plus 2. A2. Barcelona: Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-18032-20-2)
Intermediate Spanish I
CORPAS, J., GARMENDIA, A. y SORIANO, C. (2022). Aula internacional Plus 3. B1. Barcelona: Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-18032-22-6)
Readers/Libros de lectura
Elementary Spanish II
CORPAS, Jaime y MAROTO, Ana (2017). Fin de semana en Barcelona. Nivel A1+. Madrid: SGEL. (ISBN: 978-84-9778-964-6)
Track I is a combination of three language courses for students who are enrolled in the Study Abroad Program and have not taken any Spanish courses at college-level. These three courses are designed to help learners of Spanish to develop basic communicative competence as well as a critical stance on linguist and cultural diversity.
It offers an intensive study and practice of the skills of a language: listening, speaking, interacting, reading and writing.The main emphasis of this track is on communication and, therefore, class attendance is essential.
Elementary Spanish I:
UNIT 0. Greetings and farewells.
UNIT 1 . Give and ask information to ask questions.
UNIT 2. Express intentions and plans.
UNIT 3. Discover places. Talk about time Geography. Sights.
UNIT 4. Identify objects. Express obligation Buy, ask about prices. Talk about preferences.
UNIT 5. Talk about physical appearance and personality. Talk about personal relationships
UNIT 6. Talk about habits. Ask and tell the time. Express frequency Weekdays. Parts of the day.
UNIT 7. Talk about culinary habits. Today's food. Ways of cooking. Typical dishes in Spain.
UNIT 8. Describe neighborhoods and cities. Give and receive information to reach a site.
Elementary Spanish II:
UNIT 1. Talk about habits and difficulties. Make recommendations. Describe feelings Professions
UNIT 2. Express tastes and preferences. Describe a house Parts of a house. Styles
UNIT 3. Presentations, greetings, farewells. Ask and grant permission. Give excuses and justify. Give, leave and lend.
UNIT 4. Talk about leisure activities. Talk about schedules. Describe places Travels
UNIT 5. Talk about tastes and eating habits. Recipes
UNIT 6. Give advice. Talk about moods Describe pain, discomfort and symptoms
UNIT 7. Tell about past events. Biography.
UNIT 8. Talk about habits, customs and circumstances in the past. Argument and debate
Intermediate Spanish I:
UNIT 1. Ask and answer about past actions. Narrate a story
UNIT 2. Talk about probabilities.
UNIT 3. Talk about wishes. Expression of doubt, probability and negation. Valuable expressions.
UNIT 4. Repeat messages from another person.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Elementary Spanish I
• Describe themselves and their extended and immediate family.
• Talk about time, days of the week, seasons of the year, the weather, likes and dislikes.
• Describe university life and shopping experiences.
• Produce written and spoken dialogue in the present and planned future.
• Articulate in writing their understanding of significant dialectical variants of the Spanish language.
• Identify geography and culture of selected Spanish-speaking countries.
• Compare U.S. and Hispanic/Latin cultures in regard to daily schedules, shopping and dressing, living accommodations, student life, and family activities/roles.
Elementary Spanish II
• Describe leisure activities, holidays, foods, and traveling.
• Talk about health issues.
• Discuss likes and dislikes.
• Produce written and spoken dialogue narrating past events.
• Identify geography and culture of selected Spanish-speaking countries.
• Compare U.S. and Hispanic/Latin cultures in regard to celebrated occasions, tipping, and other customs in restaurants and hotels.
Intermediate Spanish I
• Give directions and orders.
• Talk about feelings and uncertainty.
• Discuss wishes and desires.
• Express hypothetical events.
• Produce written and spoken dialogue about past experience.
• Identify geography and culture of selected Spanish-speaking countries.
• Compare U.S. and Hispanic/Latin cultures in regards to technology, the arts, living in the country, automobiles, sentimental relationships, stages of life, and how news and the government function.
Elementary Spanish I:
In-class Participation 10%
Oral Task 10%
Homework / Written Assignments 10%
Midterm Exam 35%
Final Exam 35%
Elementary Spanish II / Intermediate Spanish I:
In-class Participation 10%
Oral Task 10%
Homework / Written Assignments 10%
Reading 10%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 35%