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Intermediate Spanish I

3 Credits | 200 Level | 45 Contact hours


SEIJAS, P., TONNELIER, B. y TROITIÑO, S. (2011). Cuadernos de gramática española. B1. Barcelona: Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-84434-76-4)


Track I is a combination of three language courses for students who are enrolled in the Study Abroad Program and have not taken any Spanish courses at college-level. These three courses are designed to help learners of Spanish to develop basic communicative competence as well as a critical stance on linguist and cultural diversity. It offers an intensive study and practice of the skills of a language: listening, speaking, interacting, reading and writing.


The main objective of this track is that the student achieves the knowledge of Spanish that allows him/her to manage in daily life tasks that the immersion context affords, as well as to develop reading strategies to cope with long texts and finally, to be able to write relatively complex and organized texts.


UNIT 1. Ask and answer about past actions. Narrate a story
UNIT 2. Talk about probabilities.
UNIT 3. Talk about wishes. Expression of doubt, probability and negation. Valuable expressions.
UNIT 4. Repeat messages from another person.

UNIDAD 1. Preguntar y responder sobre acciones pasadas. Narrar una historia.
UNIDAD 2. Hablar de probabilidades.
UNIDAD 3. Hablar de deseos. Expresión de la duda, probabilidad y negación. Expresiones valorativas.
UNIDAD 4. Repetir mensajes de otra persona.


• Use basic greeting and leave taking expressions
• Start, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversations on topics that are familiar or of personal interest
• Engage in a face to face conversation to handle most everyday situations and transactions, such as shopping, ordering food and drink, buying tickets and finding out and passing on information on places, times, costs, etc.
• Understand and follow the story line in short stories with a clear structure with some effort and regular use of a dictionary.
• Write a detailed description of a past experience, a dream or an imaginary event, including wishes and desires.
• Display skills for relating to others in various cultures and situations, such as academic settings, social venues, and professional/work environment.
• Perceive and value cultural diversity when positioning oneself in a different cultural context.


• Exams: parcial: 25% + final: 35% = 60%
• Oral tasks: 10%
• Homework and written assignments: 10%
• Reading: 10%
• In-class participation: 10%

Attending class is MANDATORY in this course

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