9 Credits | 200 Level | 114 Contact hours
SPAN 211 y 212:
• CORPAS, J., GARMENDIA, A. y SORIANO, C. Aula Internacional 3 Plus (libro del alumno). B1. Barcelona 2021: Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-18032-22-6)
SPAN 305:
• CORPAS, J., GARMENDIA, A., SÁNCHEZ, N. y SORIANO, C. Aula Internacional 4. Plus (libro del alumno). B2.1. Barcelona: 2022 Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-18224-46-1).
Books for reading:
SPAN 211
• OCASAR ARIZA, J.L. (2006) [1991]. Amnesia. Madrid: Edinumen. (ISBN: 84-89756-72-4)
SPAN 202
• MANUEL L. ALONSO. Sin miedo. Madrid. Santillana. (ISBN: 978-84-9122-042-8)
SPAN 305
• SEPÚLVEDA, LUIS. (2006). Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseñó a volar. Tusquets editores.
Track I is a combination of three language courses for students who are enrolled in the Study Abroad Program and have not taken any Spanish courses at college-level. These three courses are designed to help learners of Spanish to develop basic communicative competence as well as a critical stance on linguist and cultural diversity. It offers an intensive study and practice of the skills of a language: listening, speaking, interacting, reading and writing.
Intermediate Spanish I:
UNIT 1. To describe habits in the present. To tell past stories.
UNIT 2. To express prohibition or obligation.
UNIT 3. To tell stories in the present. To summarize the plot of a movie or book.
UNIT 4. To recommend and avise.
UNIT 5. Resources to tell anecdotes. Resources to show interest. To talk about causes and consequences.
Intermediate Spanish II:
UNIT 1. To talk about actions and future situations. To express conditions.
UNIT 2. To express wishes, demands and need.
UNIT 3. To express interest and feelings. To talk about personal relations.
UNIT 4. To assess situations. To give an opinion on actions and behaviors.
UNIT 5. To express hypothesis and probability.
Spanish Composition I:
UNIT 1. To talk about news and commenting about news events.
UNIT 2. To give your opinion. To evaluate opinions.
UNIT 3. To give advice. To talk about imagined situations.
UNIT 4. To express cause and purpose. To connect sentences.
Intermediate Spanish I
• Give directions and orders.
• Talk about feelings and uncertainty.
• Discuss wishes and desires.
• Express hypothetical events.
• Produce written and spoken dialogue about past experience.
• Identify geography and culture of selected Spanish-speaking countries.
• Compare U.S. and Hispanic/Latin cultures in regards to technology, the arts, living in the country, automobiles, sentimental relationships, stages of life, and how news and the government function.
Intermediate Spanish II
• Demonstrate comprehension of spoken Spanish well enough to recognize the main idea and some detail from video material.
• Talk about everyday topics, such as school, work, and interests.
• Read literary texts and respond to them orally and in writing.
• Produce written compositions on a variety of everyday topics.
• Demonstrate knowledge of the basic rules of Spanish grammar and use them in writing and speaking.
• Produce written and spoken dialogue about present, past, and hypothetical situations.
• Explain cultural values of the Hispanic world as well as the underlying similarities and differences among cultures.
Spanish Composition I
• Correctly apply the rules of Spanish orthography, including diacritical marks, in their writing.
• Produce correct expressions using ser / estar, preterite / imperfect, prepositions (por / para), and the subjunctive mood.
• Compose essays with a clearly organized structure while applying the transition words, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical lessons covered by the course.
SPAN 211 y 212:
• Exámen parcial/midterm: 25%
• Examen final/final exam: 35%
• Tareas orales/Oral tasks: 10%
• Deberes y trabajos escritos/Homework and written assignments: 10%
• Lecturas/Reading: 10%
• Participación en clase/In-class participation: 10%
SPAN 305
• Examen parcial/midterm: 20%
• Examen final/final exam: 20%
• Composiciones/Compositions: 30%
• Tareas/Homework 10%
• Lecturas/Reading: 10%
• Participación en clase/In-class participation: 10%