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Composition Spanish II

3 Credits | 300 Level | 38 Contact hours


CORPAS, J., GARMENDIA, A., SÁNCHEZ, N. y SORIANO, C. (2017). Aula Internacional 5. Nueva Edición. B2.2. Barcelona: Difusión. (ISBN: 978-84-15846-80-2)


This is a third/fourth year track of Spanish divided into three parts. The focus of the first two parts (Composition I and II) is to improve learners written abilities through the analysis and the production of different types of texts. In addition, a number of grammatical topics will be reviewed in order to enhance and refine the learners´ grammatical competence.

In the last third of the course, Advanced Spanish I (SPAN 410), more attention is given to text organization and vocabulary accuracy. The extensive reading of narrative will reinforce the formal explanations received in class.


Unidad 1. Describir actividades, acciones y situaciones de personas y cosas. Vocabulario del teatro, el deporte, el baile.
Unidad 2. Notas breves, correos electrónicos formales e informales. Expresar finalidad.
Unidad 3. Referir a eventos pasados. Crónicas. Fútbol. Vocabulario de la historia.
Unidad 4. Hacer predicciones. Problemas del medio ambiente.
Unidad 5. Hablar de un trabajo. Describir una empresa.


• Write carefully edited expository compositions to clarify, to explain and analyze some abstract topics.
• Use a variety of linking words efficiently to mark clearly the relationship between ideas while writing.
• Follow a process approach to writing, by organizing the information, drafting, revising content and form and finally, writing carefully edited compositions on a variety of topics.
• Read short stories or a novel written by Hispanic authors and interpret their cultural references.
• Put together information about a cultural topic from different sources (internet, printed material, interviews with local people or observations) and relate it in a coherent final paper.
• Give a clear, well-structured presentation on the investigated cultural topic, expanding and supporting points of view with appropriate reasons and examples.


• Midterm: 20% + Final exam: 20% = 40%
• Compositions: 30%
• Readers: 10%
• Homework: 10%
• Class participation: 10%

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